Monday, May 19, 2008

Jim turned 50

Jim turned 50 last week. The picture is of his cublicle at work, and that is underwear not diapers. Why might you ask is underwear stung across his cubicle? Funny story! A couple of months ago, Jim went biking with a fellow co-worker straight from work. So he had to change in the office bathroom into his bike gear. On his way out of the bathroom, he inadvertently dropped his underwear on the floor and went on a bike ride. Well, is was found by others and pinned to the bullentin board (knowing full well that they were Jim's). And as you can tell he has never been able to live it down.

1 comment:

Barry and Shannon said...

That is hilarious! It's like Grey's Anatomy when they pinned a sassy little thong to the bulletin board. Luckily Jim doesn't wear such unmentionables.