Thursday, May 15, 2008

What a night

Last night was Erin's Ring Ceremony at the High School. The ring ceremony is the presentaion of their High School Rings to the Junior Class and the official declaration that they are now Seniors. Anyways we were running late (for a good seat) but managed to get there a couple of minutes before it started (Thank God we live a mile from the School) Oh! in my haste I forgot the camera - sorry no pictures. Well, the weather outside was horrible, the sky was a bit green, Erin was convinced that we were all going to die because a Tornado was coming. We pictured the headline on Morning Paper, "MHS Entire Class of 2009 gone due to Tornado hitting the building during Ring Ceramony". Anyways I diverge. The ceremony (which I thought was going to be special and a tear jerker) was a dissappointment. We couldn't hear a word of what the speakers were saying, mainly because the PA system sucked, we were in the highest seat possible and the fact we were in a building with a Tin Roof during a terentual down pour. We later learning that Mandeville got 7 inches in a hour. Here's the Kicker. After the ceramony as people started to leave, they came back with news that the parking lot was flooded. In some cases, the water was up to the side mirrors on the cars. As people went out to check their cars, they all came back with the same story. The parking lot was under 2 - 4 feet of water. Of course, we took the new car. Luckily, Jim got to the car and found that the water was only up 1/2 on the wheels and nothing in the car. Whew! Thank God we were late and ended up parking on the high ground. Unfortunately, many of our friends did not have the same experience. If I can find any picture I'll post them. In the end we got a bit wet but still ended up with a Senior. (I'm gonna cry). UPDATE: This is a picture Erin's High School Ring


Barry and Shannon said...


yippee Erin! one more year of hs.

(again...about erin, don't you have 2 kids?)

Carolyn said...

What a beautiful ring. thank god you were late and didn't get flooded. How I can't believe Erin is going to be a Senior, how time flies.